
NetSuite Consulting

Once you have decided to purchase NetSuite you will need to decide who will assist you with your implementation, ongoing support and training.  Netsuite direct, NetSuite Solution Providers, NetSuite Alliance Partners, and independent NetSuite consultants all offer varying types of professional services.  There are a lot of very qualified and experienced consultants out there and there are also a lot of really bad ones.  NetSuite’s growth has created a surge in new partners and it’s getting harder and harder to distinguish among all the clutter out there.  Be sure to find a partner who really has NetSuite experience.  First, check on certifications.  You can go to the NetSuite website and click on Verify Certification.

Certifications are a good way to validate that the person you are working with has at least a minimum level of knowledge.  For your implementation or consulting you want to look for someone with the ERP Consultant certification.  If you need help with scripting or custom development look for someone with the SuiteCloud Developer II Certification.  There is a saying about projects:  Cheap, Fast, Good – Pick 2.  You can have a project that’s cheap and fast but it won’t be good, or a project that’s fast and good but it won’t be cheap, or a project that’s cheap and good but it won’t be fast.  This applies to many of the implementation approaches you will encounter while getting quotes.  If you really want cheap then go with the NetSuite direct fixed fee implementation.  You will work with a team offshore and do a lot of the work yourself but it will be the most cost effective.  If you are looking for a more personal approach with someone who will get to know your company and lead you successfully look to partners and independent consultants.  Bigger is not always better when it comes to consulting firms in the NetSuite space. 

Use our contact form CONTACT FORM if you would like a few recommendations for qualified and experienced consultants that are appropriate for your needs.

NetSuite Services